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Getting better

søndag 23. september 2018
with a few Iron Sparrows
af Nigel Judson and Rainer Ebel

Today started with less wind and high cloud. Birds calling from the bushes as it got light. We had more variety today with a Reed Warbler, Garden Warbler and 13 Dunnocks. A sign of an increase in migration were the 13 Dunnocks that we caught.

There was a strong movement of raptors throughout the day and we caught 5 Sparrowhawks in the raptor nets. Follow the migration watch at Gedser Odde on the Træk pages from the home page.

Here are todays slightly better results.

Spurvehøg         5

Jernspurv            13

Sangdrossel        1

Rørsanger            1

Havesanger          1

Munk                      2

Gransanger           5

Løvsanger             2

Bogfinke                1

Tomorrow the wind is forecast to move round to the North West. Much better for migration. But the wind speed may be too high to erect all of the nets. I think we will have to consider what to do in the morning.
