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"Pinkish - throated" Garden Warbler

mandag 6. august 2018
af Ana de Osma

4:30 A.M. Alex, Anton and me are ready to go opening the nets. 4:44 A.M. all the nets open hoping for a good day of ringing! Sweden got a lot of birds a couple of days ago. After the windy day yesterday, and considering the wind was slowing down today, we really thought it was going to be a busy morning.

The first two rounds were very slow. Maybe 10 birds in total in the first and the same in the second round. Time to go home in between to get a hot drink or some food (I’ve lost the count of how many breakfast I have here, we are always hungry!).

The following rounds were not much better so with a total of 37 birds and olny 4 captures in the last round we decided to close the nets after the standard period.

Even though it was a slow day we enjoyed as always and I got 3 new ringed species: Song Trush, Chaffinch and Linnet; that were all in Alex's nets but he let me ring them! So nice of him! 

38672479 1127428290750500 8784813325692174336 nSong Trush, the first for the season

We got the 4 th Wood Warbler for the season, together with some Willow Warbler and a Chiffchaff. The 3 species of Philoscopus in the same morning!

38512014 430656854091206 9002089656702992384 nWillow warbler (left) / Wood warbler (right) 

And... if you are wondering about the title of this blog, YES! we got a new species for the station, a very nice "Pinkish - throated" garden warbler that is actually a Garden Warbler that loves blackberries!

38647461 1052748291558745 2227250579485229056 n"Pinkish - throated" garden warbler

Today’s ringing:

Sangdrossel / Song Thrush - 1
Kærsanger / Marsh Warbler - 1
Gulbug / Icterine Warbler - 3
Gærdesanger / Lesser Whitethroat -14
Tornsanger / Common Whitethroat - 4
Havesanger / Garden Warbler -3
Skovsanger / Wood Warbler - 1
Gransanger / Chiffchaff - 1
Løvsanger / Willow Warbler - 6
Skovspurv / Tree Sparrow - 1
Bogfinke / Chaffinch -1
Tornirisk / Linnet - 1

Total: 37

Alex left today, we are going to miss him! We were a great team and worked very good together. Hans took him to Gedser to take the bus, Anton and me got a ride to town, I wanted to walk around Gedser and go to see the harbour. What a nice surprise that there was a beautiful sailing boat from Russia!

38534407 300573953839547 2095700472852643840 n


We got 1 new team mate this afternoon, Rasmus. And there is another one coming, Anders is on his way. Tomorrow we are 4 at the station to keep enjoying Gedser!

Now, after having a nice dinner I'm ready to go to dreamland to charge the batteries for tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe is the day of 500!

