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It's raining birds !

søndag 7. maj 2017
af Charles Tessier

After the great morning we had yesterday, we could believe it would be less intense today. Absolutely not ! The migration still continue, no mercy for the ringers !

With the good weather - no wind and quite clear sky, we decided to open only half of the nets installed, in order to avoid accidents with birds. Even though a big part of the willow warblers leaved the site, robins took over from them. And other passerines didn't want to be left out !

The result : 248 birds of 19 species ringed, 109 robins, 50 willow warblers, 33 lesser whitethroats and 17 common redstarts. Plus a few other species arrived from Africa : 6 garden warblers, 4 common whitethroats and 2 tree pipits. A real joyful cocktail !

The most remarkable captures are a black redstart, not often trapped (the 5th this year), and the first wood warbler, a gorgeous bird.


The next few mornings could be similar, we'll see what it will produce.

Birds ringed today :
Skovpiber - Tree pipit : 2
Gærdesmutte - Wren : 1
Jernspurv - Dunnock : 1
Rødhals - Robins : 109
Husrødstjert - Black Redstart : 1
Rødstjert - Common Redstart : 17
Solsort - Blackbird : 1
Sangdrossel - Song Thrush : 2
Gædersanger - Lesser Whitethroat: 33
Tornsanger - Common Whitethroat : 4
Havesanger - Garden Warbler : 6
Munk - Blackcap : 6
Skovsanger - Wood Warbler : 1
Gransanger - Chiffchaff : 9
Løvsanger - Willow warbler : 50
Broget Fluesnapper - Pied Flycatcher: 1
Bogfinke - Chaffinch : 1
Stillits - Goldfinch : 1
Lille Gråsisken - Lesser Redpoll : 2