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Average, but pretty :)

mandag 17. april 2017
af Marie Chevalier

This morning was perfect weather at last! Only a weak wind, no rain to come and all nets open!

The first round seemed promising with about 20 birds trapped. Unfortunately, it stopped as soon as during the second round for some unknown reasons. In the end, 36 new birds were ringed today, even though I continued ringing until 1pm.
Hopefully, there were a couple of nice species around - nothing new, though-

First of all, there was this nice young black redstart and a young redpoll as well which I can resist to show you in picture, just 'cause I like those birds!



Then, there was also a the second willow warbler caught today and the third blackcap.

And finally, I am happy to tell you that we reach exactly the same amount of Firecrests as in 2015!! 3 of these birds were ringed today! One more and we blew the record ;) 

Let me introduce you to Ms number 44!! :


Beside ringing, there has been a really nice flock of golden plovers, all of them in nuptial plumage, which flew just over the ringing site.

Birds ringed today:
Gædersmutte - Wren: 2
Jernspurv - Dunnock: 6
Rødhals - robins: 9
Husrødstjert - Black redstart: 1
Solsort - Blackbird: 1
Sangrossel - Song trush: 1
Munk - Blackcap: 1
Gransanger - Chiffchaff: 7
Løvsanger - Willow warbler: 1
Rødtoppet fuglekonge - firecrest: 3
Bogfinke - chaffinch: 2
Grønirisk - Greenfinch: 1
Nordlig gråsisken - Redpolls flammea: 1