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More and more wind

tirsdag 11. april 2017
af Marie Chevalier

I tried opening nets at the usual hour this morning, but it was so windy that I decided to postpone a little bit to try to get standard datas.
In the end, I succedeed in having 11 nets open, but the wind made them to easy to see and I had only 10 birds in 5h! Among them, only 5 new birds and the 5 others were retraps.
At sea, migration was still going on with a few flocks of eider, some sandwich terns and red -breasted mergansers. The first swallow has also been spotted today over a field.

Birds ringed today:
Gærdesmutte- Wren: 1
Jernspurv - dunnock: 2
Rødhals - Robin: 1
Bogfinke - Chaffinch: 1