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A little more siskins for you?

søndag 2. april 2017
af Marie Chevalier

This morning, the weather was not so good. The weather forecast said it might rain but as we were three ringers, it was very possible to open all nets without fearing for the birds. It stayed grey and foggy the whole morning and the first two rounds were average. However, at 7.30am, came the siskins again! 

All in all we ringed 154 birds, among them, exactly 100 siskins. The other surprise today was our first black redstart for this spring, a young female.
The wind increased in the end of the morning and the birds deserted them, except for 4 greenfinches.

Hopefully, in the afternoon, the sun showed up and the weather was really spring-like and it is supposed to stay like this for tomorrow.

We also retrap two birds who were ringed as young ones in 2016: a blackbird and a chiffchaff.

It was good to have some company, but now, Johanne and Clausjannig are gone, so it will be only me again from tomorrow! 

Birds ringed today:

Gædersmutte - Wren: 4
Jernspurv - Dunnock: 13
Rødhals - robins: 13
Husrødstjert - Black redstart: 1
Solsort - Blackbirds: 1
Sangrossel - Song trush: 1
Fuglekonge - goldcrest: 2
Rødtoppet fuglekonge - firecrest: 2
Bogfinke - chaffinch: 6
Grønirisk - Greenfinch: 5
Grønsisken - Siskins: 100
Nordlig gråsisken - Redpolls flammea: 4
Gulspurv - yellowhammer: 1