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Så kom der lidt gang i fuglene

tirsdag 15. oktober 2024
Efter en nogel sløj periode på ringmærkniongsfronten kom der lidt gang i fuglene i dag.
af Søren Mygind & Lara Winsloe


Så kom der lidt gang i fuglene. 


Migration Count at Gedser Odde

by Lara W

We had a fabulous time in the sun today, counting an incredible 71,020 individuals of 69 species across the entire day (0700-1730). Woodpigeon/Ringdue accounted for the vast majority of these, with 56, 437 flying south during the standard time count, and a further 400 going out in the afternoon. For Eider/Ederfugl, 2,296 passed through in the morning, and 5,980 in the afternoon. In fact, these were still passing in flocks of 40-150 every couple of minutes by the time we eventually left! A large number of geese also migrated today, including 67 Dark-bellied Brent goose/ Knortegås, 279 White-fronted Goose/Blisgås and 2,539 Barnacle Goose/Bramgås! I will admit to shucking my counting duties for around half an hour so I could army-crawl through the field to photograph the barnacles/bramgæs, luckily Ole covered for me. Photos will go up at some point soon in the gallery.

Other highlights for the day….1 Red-footed falcon/Aftenfalk, 4 White-tailed Eagle/Havørn, 2 Slavonian Grebe/Nordisk Lappedykker, 1 male Garganey/Atlingand, 1 Arctic Skua/Almindelig Kjove, and a single Common tern/Fjordterne. Possibly my favourite moment was finding a field mouse in the bin (no stress, he was fine). Spotting the super-rare comet this evening came in at a close second, with fantastic views of this crazy burning, multi-coloured rock from the meadow beyond the stationhouse.

I am all out of bird photos at the moment, so please enjoy this supercool moon in lieu of birds (and keep a look out for the blood moon coming tomorrow night!):



Photo credit: Lara W

People at the station:  Søren Mygind, Lara Winsloe, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Larissa Britton, Ole Friis Larsen