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We ended up with a Dunlin

onsdag 9. oktober 2024
af Larissa Britton & Lara Winsloe


by Lara W

Today we had a slow but steady stream of birds in the net, with a total of 31 new birds ringed, and 19 recaptures, representing 8 species. The most common species caught was the Goldcrest/Fuglekonge, and we were lucky enough to have a single beautiful Firecrest/Rødtoppet Fuglekonge (see photo below). The garden and orchard surrounding the station house have been alive with the high-pitched peeping of these birds for the last couple of weeks, as they forage to put on extra weight to fuel their migration south. Other birds caught include 3 Dunnock/Jernspurv, 5 Chiffchaff/Gransanger, and 1 Siskin/Grønsisken.

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Firecrest (top) and Goldcrest (bottom), note the whiter face of the Firecrest, coupled with more extensive black feathering across the crest; photo credit: Lara W

We had a visit from the Højskolen Marielyst, where a group of around 20 people came to observe and learn about the work we do here at the Fuglestation. I was extremely proud of the little Chiffchaff/Gransanger I held out to be photographed, who proved to be a natural model and remained unruffled throughout all the attention!

As I write this, Freya has just walked in with a Dunlin/Almindelig Ryle in hand, having caught it on the beach in front of the station – what a gorgeous (and sleepy) little person!

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Dunlin; photo credit: Lara W

P.S. Sorry for the title, blame Lars Ulrich...

Trækket på Odden: As my first month at Gedser comes to a close, and another commences, I take some time to reflect on the slow changes in nature that I am grateful to witness (both botanical and avian). The Yarrow/Røllike (Achillea millefolium, Asteraceae) and Pineappleweed/Skive-Kamille (Matricaria discoidea, Asteraceae) at the tip have now stopped flowering, and white-petalled Melilots/Hvid Stenkløver (I believe Melilotus albus, of Fabaceae) are now blooming. Similarly, the avian landscape is, as mentioned, steadily morphing. For instance, with the gradual arrival of Redwing/Vindrossel (Turdus iliacus) and Barnacle Geese/Bramgæs (Branta leucopsis) earlier this month. We have been keeping an eye (and ear) out for any new species that typically arrive around this time in October.

This morning's count had a nice species diversity today, with 47 species, albeit a low number of individuals counted at 1,635 birds. A nice array of passerines at the tip this morning, with Brambling/Kvækerfinke (Fringilla montifringilla), Chaffinch/Bogfinke (Fringilla coelebs), Goldfinch/Stillits (Carduelis carduelis), Greenfinch/Grønirisk (Chloris chloris), Linnet/Tornirisk (Linaria cannabina), Meadow Pipit/Engpiber (Anthus pratensis), Common Reed Bunting/Rørspurv (Emberiza schoeniclus), Siskin/Grønsisken (Spinus spinus), Eurasian Skylark/Sanglærke (Alauda arvensis), Common Starling/Stær (Sturnus vulgaris), Swallow/Landsvale (Hirundo rustica), and White Wagtail/Hvid Vipstjert (Motacilla alba) all seen and/or heard passing overhead. A particularly cute juvenile Goldfinch/Stillits perched nearby on top of some dried Umbellifer/Skærmplante plant (Apiaceae family).

GFU onsda 2088With pale eyes, the Hen Harrier was either a young male or an adult female - young females have dark eyes. The warm brown armpits/axillaries in contrast to a paler forewing indicate a young male. Photo: Ole Friis Larsen/GFU

Another bird that came very close was a juvenile male Hen Harrier/Blå Kærhøg (Circus cyaneus), as he swiftly flew in front of us, from behind the rose bush. Small numbers of Sparrowhawk/Spurvehøg (Accipiter nisus), Red Kite/Rød Glente (Milvus milvus), Rough-legged Buzzard/Fjeldvåge (Buteo lagopus), and Common Buzzard/Musvåge (Buteo buteo) - with several  corvids mobbing these individuals, including Hooded Crow/Gråkrage (Corvus cornix), Rook/Råge (Corvus frugilegus), and Jackdaw/Allike (Corvus monedula). A single Arctic Skua/Almindelig Kjove (Stercorarius parasiticus) today, too, and both Red-throated Diver/Rødstrubet Lom (Gavia stellata) and Black-throated Diver/Sortstrubet Lom (Gavia arctica), were seen flying over the water. My favourite Little Gulls/Dværgmåge (Hydrocoloeus minutus) were present this morning, as well. Lastly, a Harbour Porpoise/Marsvin (Phocoena phocoena) showed briefly as we neared the conclusion of today's count.

Se alle dagens observationer fra Gedser Odde i DOFbasen.

Folk på stationen: Freya-Mørup Petersen, Lara Winsloe, Larissa Britton, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Ole Friis Larsen.