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Sliver of Silvery Moonlight

lørdag 31. august 2024
af Chris Sharp

Ole arrived last night and will now be here for most the remaining season.

There is a sublime beauty about Gedser Odde that sometimes presents its self in surprising ways.  This morning when opening the nets was as good example: a thin sliver of moon was brightly illuminating the garden and the sea.  This moonlight gave the garden an enchanted feel.  Wonderful! 

Sadly such beauty did not attract too many birds into the garden.  Though in the low quantity there was some quality with possibly the best bird being a female Whinchat in fresh plumage, she was a stunner.  And good numbers of Willow Warbler with their breasts and bellies a brillant yellow were caught in good numbers.

The catch was: 

Sparrowawk 1/-, Robin 2/1; Thrush Nightingale 1/- ;  Redstart 1/-; Whinchat 1/-;

Marsh Warbler 1/-; Lesser Whitethroat 3/1; Whitethroat 5/1; Garden Warbler 3/-;

Blackcap 5/-; Chiffchaff2/1; Willow Warbler 19/-; Pied Flycatcher 2/-.

Total: 50 (46/4)

Shortly after mid-day Henrik left, he will return later in the Autumn.

Chris had had plans to try and catch more swallows in the evening, as the wind was going to drop.  The wind did drop.  But a pre-requisite for catching swallows is that there are swallows to catch.  There were none. Ah well, dinner was good.