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Slow and Hot

torsdag 29. august 2024
af Chris Sharp

A cool and pleasant morning at the start of the day's ringing was slowly replaced with increasing heat and brightness.  These conditions correlated to our captures: reasonable in the cool and decreasing to zilch with the rise in heat and light intensity.  It seems that the birds in the garden (at least) were mirroring the ringers behaviour, shying away from the heat, light and consequently the nets.  Consequentally the catch was low and the ringers were over heated.

Today's figures are:

Rødhals/Robin 2/-; Nattergal/Thrush Nightingale 1/1;  Rødstjert/Redstart 1/-,  Rørsanger/Reed Warbler 2/-,  Gærdesanger/Lesser Whitethroat 1/-  Tornsanger/Whitethroat 2/1;  Havesanger/Garden Warbler 1/-;  Munk/Blackcap 3/1;      Grå Fluesnapper/Spotted Flycatcher 1/-;  Broget Fluesnapper/Pied Flycatcher 2/-.  Totals: 19 (16/3) 10species.

Two Thrush Nightingale were pleasant surprises in the nets.  The re-captured individual was really a flying sausage with a fat score of 6 and a weight of 31g - the data base did not like that weight but it was checked; so an individual ready to start its migration further to the south-east.

After ringing Henrik and Chris decided to be semi-masochistic and went bird-watching at Bøtø.  A worthwhile mini-excursion with some good birds seen (but aren't all birds good?).  A good selection of early migrating waders, a selection of ducks, several cranes and splendid views of an adult white-tailed eagle which flew low over our heads and so afforded us a really good view.

People at station: Henrik Jørgensen, Chris Sharp.