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The baby schema of 1K birds

torsdag 27. juni 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

It was a slow morning, five new birds and two recaptures. Two of the new ringed birds were 1Ks , a Greenfinch “Grønirisk” and a House Sparrow “Gråspurv”.


1K House Sparrow "Gråspurv"

June is a slow month, but what I like about that time is the 1K birds, you can´t resist their cuteness.

Next to one of the nets, I found the feather of a Tawny Owl “Natugle”, it was probably not in our garden, but the wind could have brought it. Owl feathers are special, they are extremely soft.


Feather of a Tawny Owl "Natugle" 


The moths:

Again, it was 21 species of moths, that I found in the trap today but unfortunately, they were very flighty again. A new species and my favourite of today luckily did not fly away, it was Anania coronata “Hyldehalvmøl”.


Anania coronata “Hyldehalvmøl”

Later the day, I went along the dyke at Gedesby stand (and tested the sea, it is very good to go for a swim now) and a shimmering moth caught my attention: I caught it and found out that it was Adscita statices “Metalvinge”, a common but very pretty species.


Adscita statices “Metalvinge”



People: Henrik Jørgensen, Hans Lind, Jasper Mosman, Hanelie Sidhu