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Collared Pratincole “Rødvinget Braksvale”!

tirsdag 11. juni 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

This morning, there was too much rain to open the nets. So we could just crawl back to our beds, after checking the radar and looking out of the door in the rain.


The moths:

 After yesterdays two species that I found in the trap, I was not expecting many in the trap today, after a rainy night. After going back to bed after we saw, that we could not ring today, I checked the trap later in the morning, when I got up. But I was positively surprised, as there were quite many species in the trap, 22 I found out after doing the list. But it is a long list, because Hans also had his trap out today in his garden. Later in the morning, he came to the station with a moth that was new for me, which was very nice: it was Evergestis forficialis “Kålhalvmøl”. He also handed me a list with the species he caught today, so I have also put his moth in the list, under the location Gedser town.



A micro moth: Mompha subbistrigella



From Hans garden: Evergestis forficalis



Laothoe populi "Poppelsværmer" (left) and Smerinthus ocellata "Aftenpåfugleøje" (right)




Collared Pratincole “Rødvinget Braksvale”

 Congrats and thanks to Jørgen Hulbæk who found a Collared Pratincole “Rødvinget Braksvale” in Faxe kommune yesterday afternoon! Today, Tina, Mads, Gert, Lara, Henrik and I went to see it. When we saw a lot of cars next to a field, we knew, we were at the right place. The bird was just sitting next to a tuft of grass nearly all the time we were looking at it. So we did not have to wait for it, we saw it right away after arriving. But now, everyone was waiting for it to fly and it also did us the pleasure just when we were talking about going back. So it was a perfect twitch and also perfect timing, as just when we drove away from the field, it started to rain. Tak for turen to Tina and Gert!


People: People: Hans Lind, Henrik Jørgensen, Gert Jeppesen, Tina and Mads Elley, Jasper Mosmann, Lara Chrenkova, Hanelie Sidhu