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Ageing Gærdesanger

tirsdag 4. juni 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

Although we are at the southernmost point of Denmark, it is everything else than the warmest and sunniest place here. Actually, this morning it was quite cold, but it was not as windy as yesterday and it was a bit cloudy, so we got some more birds than yesterday, 14 in total. This is not a number we are hoping for, but honestly, the season is nearly over and birds are already breeding, so we can´t really expect higher numbers than we had in May. Of course you never know and rarities can show up, so let´s be optimistic. Here a pretty picture of a recap Lesser Whitethroat “Gærdesanger”, that went in the net today. It kind of also fits to the topic of the day, as later in the afternoon, I met the volunteers from Skagen Fuglestation on zoom to give an aging session of Lesser Whitethroat “Gærdesanger”, that I had promised to prepare when I left Skagen about a month ago.


Lesser Whitethroat "Gærdesanger"



The moths:

18 moth species were in the two traps toady. My favourites were Calliteara pudibunda “Bøgenonne” and Acronicita tridens/psi “Treforkugle/Psi-ugle”.


Calliteara pudibunda “Bøgenonne”

 This is a male of Calliteara pudibunda, as it is greyish, while the female would be lighter and more sandy coloured.



Acronicita tridens/psi “Treforkugle/Psi-ugle”.

Acronicita tridens can not be differentiated from psi according to outer characteristics. Psi is a lot more common than tridens though, which would be quite rare here, so it is by far more likely, that it is psi that was in the trap today.



People: Jasper Mosman, Gert Jeppesen, Hans Lind, Tina Elley, Hanelie Sidhu Jens Friis-Walsted and Karsten