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Is this the weather change we were hoping for?

tirsdag 28. maj 2024
af Robert Luttik and Hanelie Sidhu
  1. Ringmækening:

After checking the radar we found out that it was possible to open the nets before the rain came. First and second round were zero rounds though and the closing round brought one Icterine Warbler “Gulbug”. Later in the morning when the rain stopped, it was possible to open again, but it was not worth it, we did not get a second bird. Even though rainy days are not the most interesting, we are welcoming this weather change, it might bring some birds, when the bad weather front is over.


Todays one and only bird: A Icterine Warbler "Gulbug"


Catching moths was not influenced by the rain. We caught 21 species and again 5 new species for the season at this location. To catch every day new species is not so strange. In my garden I have caught more than 500 species in 3 years time. It is amazing how many species are flying around in the night. Because of the single bird we had today I will show a few more moths than usually. I have selected the following species: Elephant Hawkmoth (Dueurtsværmer), Maidens Blush (Ege-Bæltemåler), Green Oak Tortrix (Egevikler) and the Black-veined Moth (Hvidvingemåler).

moths 28mei


Elephant Hawkmoth (Dueurtsværmer)


Maidens Blush (Ege-Bæltemåler)


Green Oak Tortrix (Egevikler)


Black-veined Moth (Hvidvingemåler)

People: Jasper Mosman, Robert Luttik, Hanelie Sidhu and Karin