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The overcasted sky brings some little surprises in the nets

mandag 27. maj 2024
af Robert Luttik and Hanelie Sidhu


The weather forecast for this morning was a little unstable but and although we heard it thundering and saw amazing lightening scars on the sky, the rain just hit us very shortly so we could keep the nets open for the whole standard time. The sky was overcasted the during the whole morning and we opened the nets at the pond. They did not catch anything so far, but for today, it was a good decision. Two Skylarks “Sanglærke” went into one of the nets. We are hearing them every day all around, but they usually do not go into our nets. So they were a little highlight of the morning.


Skylark "Sanglærke"

Also the Sparrowhawk-nets were productive today. No, we did not catch Sparrowhawks but a Barn Swallow “Landsvale” and a Hawfinch “Kernebider” went in these nets today.


Barn Swallow "Landsvale"



Hawfinch "Kernebider"

Else, we caught the 8th Common Rosefinch “Karmindompap” for the season today. In total, we had 17 new birds of 11 species, but some little surprises in the nets so it was a quite nice morning.


The moth: Also the moths were doing well this night, there were quite some in the traps and on the walls. 25 Species and 5 new for the season (bold in the table). In contrast to the more brown or darker moths till now we had a few very colourful ones. One was light green, the Perlemåler, and one was yellow with a few darker patches, the Citronmåler.

moths 27mei

green Perlemåler (Light Emerald)

yellow Citronmåler (Brimstone Moth)

Nyt fra stationen: Ole left us this mornig but he will be back again for a short stay in two weeks. 

In the afternoon, I got visitors from home, my mother arrived with two friends from Munich. She will stay here with us until the 1st of June.

People: Ole Friis Larsen, Jasper Mosman, Robert Luttik, Hanelie Sidhu and our guest Karin.