Gedser Fuglestation Blog
Her på Gedser Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
Almost no birds, where are they?
We have very stable weather, sunny and wind from the east around 10 m/s. This is not good for getting birds in the garden. We make our steps but it is just walking around. In total 8 birds (6 new and 2 recaptures). The highlight of the day were 3 Rødrygget Tornskader (Red-backed Shrike). The other new ones ringed were a Solsort (Blackbird), a Bogfinke (Chaffinch) and a Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat). The recaptures were a Solsort and a Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat).
Rødrygget Tornskade (Red-backed Shrike)
Today 7 moths all different species. Also catching moths is influenced by the weather. With a lot of wind they just do not like to fly. See table for the results. The highlight was the Brunrød Bladmåler, it is a common species, but the determination of the species is difficult.
Brunrød Bladmåler
Later in the morning Gert and Hanelie went to Bøtø but as there were not many birds, they decided to look for butterflys at Bøtø Skoven and near the beach. This is the only place here in Denmark, where Sort Ildfugl (Lycaena tityrus) can be seen and despite the wind, they were lucky to see one!
Sort Ildfugl (Lycaena tityrus) upper wing
Sort Ildfugl (Lycaena tityrus) under wing
Furthermore, they found a Rødbæltet birkeglassværmer (Synanthedon culiciformis) which is also not seen often.
Looking for butterflies, they saw a little flock of Red Crossbills "Lille Korsnæb" flying over and three Black terns "Sort Terne" coming from the sea staight toward Bøtø lake.
In the afternoon, the slow birding mute was broken by Mads, he had heard a bird at Krohage and could not identify the sound. No one could so far, the birders could also get a glimpse of the bird but so far, it is still a bit of a mystery, what it was. But good recordings exist and maybe it will stay at Krohage over night and this mystery can be solved tommorow?
People: Robert Luttik, Jasper Mosman, Hanelie Sidhu, Gert Jeppesen