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The song of the Icterine Warbler "Gulbug"

onsdag 15. maj 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

It was Vagns last day today and a last time this spring season, Vagn, Hans and I opened nets in the morning. Soon it got sunny with blue sky and we had still easterly winds. For getting birds, these are quite bad conditions. Nevertheless, we had an interesting catch, again a Icterine Warbler “Gulbug”, which was first ringed here in 2021, it is nice to see, that these birds are coming back to here. Vagns last bird ringed here at the station was a Linnet “Tornirisk”, but he will be back for sure so there is just to say from us, it was nice to meet you,  maybe see you another time here and good birds for Fanø!


Robert provided us with some more catches, not birds but moth. There were also not really special species but there were some new things to learn for me: Smerinthus ocellatus I had seen already but it is a very beautiful species and Notodonta ziczac was was nice to see and new for me.


Smerinthus ocellatus



Notodonta ziczac

While we were closing, Robert started to set up nets at the pond, which we will open tomorrow, hoping to catch some Yellow Wagtails “Gul Vipstjert”, White Wagtails “Hvid Vipstjert” and Barn Swallows “Landsvale”. I provided some sticks for the Swallows to sit on. Tomorrow it will be Robert and me in the ringing and hopefully the work at the pond will be rewarded and maybe Robert brought some more birds with him? The wind will still be east, so we shouldn´t put our expectations to high… But when I went out to Krohage this afternoon, Icterine Wabler “Gulbug” and Garden Warbler “Havesanger” were the loudest birds and especially in the garden, we hear the Icterine Warblers a lot. It is nice species, and as there are many here, I am also expecting them in our nets.Hare.jpg

Hmm, what could tomorrow bring...? The thame hare in our garden.

People: Robert Luttik, Jasper Mosman, Tina and Mads Elley, Hans Lind, Vagn Lind, Hanelie Sidhu