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Birds on vacation

lørdag 11. maj 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

Hans came early this morning to the station to open nets with Vagn and me. First round did not look very promising but the second round was actually quite good. The day brought the fourth Icterine Warbler “Gulbug” for Gedser this season. Also this nice 3k+ male Common Whitethroat “Tornsanger” which you can see on the picture.


The most common species caught today was the Willow Warbler "Løvsanger".


It was the last day for our guests Vitus and Hans, they joined us for the ringing and left home afterwards. It was nice to have you here, hope you enjoyed your time at Gedser!

After closing, Gert came to the station and we both went to Bøtø. The White-tailed Eagle “Havørn” was sitting on its nest but where were all the ducks of the day before yesterday gone? Bøtø seemed quite empty so we left soon to check Kroghage and the Marina. The highlight of this was male adult Red-backed Shrike “Rødrygget Tornskade”, for both of us the first we saw this year in the field. Seeing not many birds, we began dreaming and talking a bit about birds of other countries and continents – there is still so much to discover!

Late afternoon, Gert will come back to the station with his dog Tulle, and before we will have dinner together, I am looking forward to go on a long walk with Tulle!


Let’s hope for more birds in the next days: It is still a bit early, but we are all hoping for the Rosefinch “Karmindompap” to come!

People: Gert Juul Jeppesen, Hans Lind, Vagn Lind, Jasper Mosman, Hanelie Sidhu, our guests Hans and Vitus