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Nye vinde = nye fugle

torsdag 16. marts 2023
af Anne Hermanns & Hanelie Sidhu

Ringmærkning: Dagen har budt på stille vejr og sol og endelig... NYE FUGLE! Blandt fangsterne var blandt andet kvækerfinke, jernspurv, sangdrossel og nogle utrolig flotte solsorte hanner. 

Foto: Anne R. Hermanns - Kvækerfinke

Foto: Anne R. Hermanns - Jernspurv

Foto: Anne R. Hermanns - Solsort



Morning Observation at Gedser Odde: While we were thankful for the low winds in the ringing, Ole did not get that many Eiders "Ederfugle" on mirgration as we got yesterday. Therefore, a bit over 3500 Common Scoters "Sortand" migrating east. Also some of the Long-tailed Ducks "Havlit" began migrating.

Se alle dagens registrerede arter på Gedser Odde her.

Trip to Bøtø: The weather today was so nice, that Hanelie decided to make a trip to Bøtø. There were many Barnacle Geese "Bramgås" resting on the lakes, but before I could count them, a farmer did some blank shots to scare the geese from his field and the ones who stayed were scared away by some White-tailed Eagles "Havørn". Together with Anne-Marie, who I met at Sydtårnet at Bøtø, I had a very nice and exciting observation of three White-tailed Eagles hunting Geese "Gås". First, there was just one, which managed to get a Goose. Soon, two others came, but of course, the successful hunter dit not want to share its prey. So after some time, the other two began hunting, too. We could observe one of the others getting a Goose, too. The third one got nothing, at least until I left.


White-tailed Eagles "Havørn" Foto: Hanelie Sidhu

Otherwise, there was a nice Red-necked Grebe "Gråstrubet Lappedykker", some nice Pintails "Spidsand", Shoveler "Skeand", a few Whooper Svans "Sangsvane"...

Lastly, we are congratulating Skagen Fuglestation for their Humpback Whale "Pukkelhval" and are hoping that we can open the nets tomorrow despite stronger wind, as we are expecting many passerines to come!

Folk på stationen: Anne Ramskov Hermanns, Ole Fris Larsen, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Hanelie Sidhu.