Gedser Fuglestation Blog
Her på Gedser Fuglestations blog bringes korte nyheder i dagbogsformat om hændelser på fuglestationen.
White-tailed Eagles "Havørn" at Rødsand
I dag stort set ingen fugle i haven. Vi hørte syngende Gulspurv og Bogfinke. Det var noget koldt at færdes ude.
Dagens fangster: Solsort, Blackbird 0,(1)
Morning Observation at Gedser Odde:
Nina, Ole and Hanelie went to the tip for morning Observations today. There were easterly winds between 6 and 8 m/s. We didn´t have much to count. There was mainly little local movement of Eiders “Ederfugl”, Common Scoters “Sortand” and Long-tailed Ducks “Havlit”, which are resting in the area. We had very few Red-breasted Mergensers “Toppet Skallesluger” migrating and we also saw some White-tailed Eagles “Havørn” which are local birds from Rødsand. We are waiting for the real spring migration to start, but today was not the day and we ended the observations after 2,5 hours due to nearly no migration.
Mornig Oservation at the tip. Foto: Hanelie Sidhu
Se alle dagens registrerede arter på Gedser Odde her.
Afternoon walk at the beach... Foto: Hanelie Sidhu
... with a nice obsevation of a little flocks of Twites "Bjergirisk" feeding there. Foto: Hanelie Sidhu
People: Ole Friies Larsen, Nina Yasmin Ali, Hanelie Sidhu, Adam Søderdahl, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Hans Lind