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Another day on the Goldcrest paradise

mandag 17. oktober 2016
af Laila Aranda Romero

The weather for this morning was almost perfect  for another crazy ringing day as yesterday:  misty but a bit more windy. As  it happened yesterday, we had a quite first round; but  after this, many Goldcrests suddenly appeared from nowhere and jumping into our nests. Hopefully, it was expected  and we have just opened a few nests ;). 

No surprising Goldcrest have been the main start of the day with 459 new individuals ringed, but we have also got a few others nice species among them: 1 Firecrest (always cute and punky at the same time!!), a leucistic Goldcrest (maybe a new subspecies ;) who knows!!!! ) and the second Fieldfare of the autumn. Chiffchaff figure has also increased, being more likely to see (or hear) one Eastern looking around the garden or in our nests within the next days, crossing fingers again!!! 


In addition, we have also got another nice amazing surprise: three controls from Sweden ( 2 Goldcrests and 1 Blackcap). As everybody knows this is one of the main purpose of ringing and it's always exciting to discover where these birds were ringed or retrapped. Our  guess is Falsterbo, but who knows!!!! 

Totals: Wrens  14  /  Robins  72  /  Blackbird  3  /  Fieldfare  1  /   Song Trush  1  /  Blackcap  4  /  Chiffchaff  22  /  Goldcrest  459  /  Firecrest  1  / Coal Tit  1  /        Blue Tit  3  /  Great Tit  2  /  Greenfinch  1 /  Siskin  1