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New ringers new chances

mandag 6. september 2021
af Robert Luttik

Some changes in the people staying at the station. Today I (Robert) and Søren opened the nets before 6 o’clock and hoped to catch more than yesterday and that happened. In total 53 new birds and 12 recaptures (see table below). Exiting thing today was that Hans, Gert and Søren saw a Nutcracker (Nøddekrige) but when the bird saw the three man it immediately turned around and disappeared again. After 11 o’clock we played the sound of nutcrackers but it did not show up again. One of the last birds caught was a red-backed shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade) with a very short P2 which could be pointing to another shrike species. But it was just within the range and also P5 was not emarginated). The last bird was a Stonechat (Sortstrubet bynkefugl) which made Søren very happy, because he had never ringed this species.

6sep2021 captures

6sep2021 shrike

6sep2021 stonechat