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søndag 9. august 2020
af Alex Buxton

Another great morning of ringing was had with a noticeable push of Løvsanger and Gærdesanger. Teamwork was again strong with Gorm being an incredible help as scribe allowing Joshua and I to manage the ringing rounds in just about enough time. The day heated up quickly and so the bird activity had died down by late morning. A much-needed break was taken at 10:30. 

Total for the day,

Skovpiber/ Tree Pipit 1

Rødstjert / Common Redstart 3

Gulbug / Icterine Warbler 5

Sivsanger / Sedge Warbler 1

Kærsanger / Marsh Warbler 12

Rørsanger / Reed Warbler 3

Løvsanger / Willow Warbler 15

Gærdesanger / Lesser Whitethroat 51, recaptures 1

Tornsanger / Common Whitethroat 14

Havesanger / Garden Warbler 15

Munk / Eurasian Blackcap 4, recaptures 2

Gransanger / Common Chiffchaff 1 recaptures 2

Broget Fluesanapper / Pied Flycatcher 3

Rødrygget Tornskad  / Red-backed Shrike 3

Skovspurv / Tree Sparrow 3, recaptures 1 

Tornirisk / Common Linnet 1, recaptures 1

Ringed: 135 Recaptured: 7

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Study of pipits and data entry lead the afternoon and a big meal was planned for a table of 6. Anton on returning to the station had the nets opened within minutes excited at the prospect of a Barred Warbler. Instead a beautiful male Red-backed shrike and the final Pied Flycatcher of the day graced our nets. Satisfied, we called it a day and are ready and dreaming of the birds to come as the Autumn migration begins to pick up.  

