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29. maj 2023

mandag 29. maj 2023
af Jens Friis-Walsted

En solrig dag med let vind fra vest, så er det jo lækkert at gå at ringmærke her nede.
Især når der pludselig kommer en pirol, der sætter sig og begynder at synge, inden den fløj videre.
I dag har der været 44 fugle i nettenene, så endnu en fin dag.
Rørsanger 1/Reed Warbler
Gulbug 7/Icterine Warbler
Gærdesanger 1/Lesser Whitethroat
Havesanger 5/Garden Warbler
Munk 1/Blackcap
Gransanger 1/Chiffchaff
Løvsanger 24/Willow Warbler
Grå fluesnapper 1/Spotted Flycatcher
Rødrygget tornskade 1/Redbacked Shrike
Stillits 2./Goldfinch

2023 05 29 rodrygget tornskade

Her den rødryggede tornskade/Redbacked Shrike

Folk på stationen: Andreas Pedersen, Bjørn Frikke, Jens Friis-Walsted

28. maj 2023

søndag 28. maj 2023
af Jens Friis-Walsted
Høj sol og en stille vind fra nord vest gav 26 fugle i nettene, og igen i dag var det løvsangerne, der var flest af.
Jeg fangede også en gulirisk/Serin han, som var i sit andet kalenderår. Den sad i haven og sang lidt for mig, inden den fløj i nettet til stor glæde for mig.
Gulirisk ses og høres en del her nede i Gedser, men ikke en fugl vi fanger så tit.
Derudover bestod ringmærkningen af.
Rødstjert 1/Redstart
Gulbug 3/Icterine Warbler
Tornsanger 1/Common Whitethroat
Havesanger 2/Garden Warbler
Gransanger 1/Chiffchaff
Løvsanger13/Willow Warbler
Grå fluesnapper 1/Spotted Flycatcher
Gulirisk 1/Serin
Stillits 1/Goldfinch
Tornirisk 2/Linnet
2023 05 28 gulirisk
Dagens skønhed: Gulirisk/Serin, en han udklækket i 2022. Det er kun den 8. gulirisk, der er ringmærket ved Gedser Fuglestation.
Udover ringmærkningen havde jeg glæden af en Lærkefalk/Hobby, der trak forbi.
Folk på stationen: Andreas Pedersen, Bjørn Frikke, Jens Friis-Walsted

27. maj 2023

lørdag 27. maj 2023
af Jens Friis-Walsted
Den 27 maj var en god dag med 71 fugle i nætterne.

Fangsten bestod mest af.

Digesvale 2/Sand Martin

Landsvale 1/Swallow

Engpiber 1/Meadow Pipit

Gul vipstjert 5/Yellow Wagtail

Jernspurv 2/ Dunnock

Gulbug 1/Icterine Warbler

Gærdesanger1/Lesser Whitethroat

Tornsanger 2/Common Whitethroat

Havesanger 5/Garden Warbler

Munk 1/Blackcap

Løvsanger 45/Willow Warbler

Rødrygget tornskade 2/Redbacked Shrike

Grønirisk 2/Greenfinch

Tornirisk 1/Linnet

Iblandt løvsangerene var der en løvsanger af den nordlige race som er helt meget grå i forhold til den vores almindelige løvsanger.

Udover ringmærkningen trak der en del knortegæs/Brent Goose, lidt hvepsevåger/Honey Buzzard og en overflyvende gulirisk/Serin.

2023 05 27 nordlig lovsanger

Nordlig løvsanger Prylloscopus trochilus ssp. acredula, meget grålig i fjerdragten

2023 05 27 almindelig lovsanger

Almindelig løvsanger, Phylloscopus trocilus ssp. trochilus, meget mere gulgrøn i fjerdragten

På stationen: Andreas Pedersen, Bjørn Frikke, Jens Friis-Walsted

And then they arrived, a day with a lot of birds

fredag 26. maj 2023
af Robert Luttik

The day looked the same to me when I woke up and as ussual the nets were open before it was light. To my surprise I had 9 birds in the first round and it were all different species. The day turned out to be excellent, caught 79 birds in total (76 new and 3 recaptures.). Again 2 Red-backed Shrikes (Rødrygget Tornskade), 6 Pied Flycatchers (Broget Fluesnapper) and the most common one was the Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) with atotal of 33.

vangst 26mei2023

One could consider the garden not as a safe place for birds with all those nets around, but it is certainly a safe place for hares. They get used to humans that do not pose a danger and you can get really close to them (see picture).


This night less moths, do not know why, but that is nature. Caught 19 moths (13 species) of which 2 were new for the season here (bold in table). Of one you will find a picture below the table, it is the Lille Vinsværmer (Small Elephant Hawkmoth).

 mot 26mei2023


This is my last blog for the spring, so no more moths probably the next few weeks. I will be back in September for two weeks.

Till autumn


Influx of Willow Warblers and a Whinchat

torsdag 25. maj 2023
Tilgang af Løvsanger og en Bynkefugl

Today I caught 43 birds (highest number of the last 2 weeks). 12 Species, 40 new and 3 recaptures. There as a little influx of Willow Warblers (Løvsanger) and 19 flwew in the nets. Highlight of the day was a Bynkefugle (see picture).



 Catching moths brings always something new for me. Today I found 29 moths in and around the traps, 22 species of which 10 were new for the season here in Gedser Fugle Station. New ones are bold in table.

mot 25mei2023



Brombærtiggerugle (Pale Prominent)


 Palpentandspinder  (Small Square-spot)

With kind regards


Almost identical to yesterday

onsdag 24. maj 2023
No Rose Finch but 2 male Red-backed Shrikes and one rare moth
af Robert Luttik

Today I had 33 birds (31 new and 2 recaptures) and 14 species. Highlights were 5 Icterin Warblers (Gulbug) and two male Red-backed Shrikes (Rødrygget Tornskade, see picture).

vangst 24mei2023

 One Garden Warbler is missing, so it total 31 ne ringd birds.


It is difficult to make good pictures when you are alone at the station and in particular of this species. That is the reason that I wear a glove, else it would have eaten me.

Yesterday I caught a moth that was a bit damaged. It is according to me a Poppel-dromedarspinder (Three-bumped Prominent). I was not sure about the name, but had put it in Naturbasen. This morning I caught it again and another one. This was not damage, have put that one too in Naturbasen and till now nobody said it is not that species and I got 3 likes. So I think it is this species, which is rather rare for Denmark. Both looked a bit worn out, but that is a normal thing for old moths that come to the end of their life.


It is a migratory species mostly found on Bornholm and Falster (and incidentely in Nordøstjylland and Anholt).

In total I had 20 moths (15 species) of which 3 were new for the season here. One moth the Pine Beauty (Setaceous Hebrew Character, see picture below). This species was not occuring in Falster till now according to Naturbasen.

 mot 24mei2023

pine beauty

 Pine Beauty

Till tomorrow, lets see what the day and night will bring

Ciao Robert




Some improvement

tirsdag 23. maj 2023
After the small amount of rain the day brought some surprises
af Robert Luttik

When I was opening the nets this morning all of a sudden there was some rain (not much). So decided to open most of the nets, was a good choice because soon the rain was gone.

The day brought 29 birds (24 new and 5 recaptures. The diversity was great: 17 species. Found 2 Marsh Warblers (kærsanger) in the nets (first of the year), 1 Reed Warbler (rørsanger, second of the year), 3 Red-backed Skrikes (Rødrygget Tornskade) and a beautifull male Common Rosefich (Karmindompap, also the first for the year). Happy man today!!!


Today I have a few nice pictures, Below you will find 2 male birds the Rosefich (Karmindompap) and a Redstart (Rødstjert).



Today I found 40 moths in or near the traps, 24 species of which were 9 new for the season. Tomorrow I will try to get nice pictures of some moths again, today only the table.

moths 23mei2023

With kind regards


Where are the birds, will they still come?

mandag 22. maj 2023
It starts to become a little bit worrying or should I say alarming that we have so few birds till now.
af Robert Luttik

Today again hardly birds in the garden in total 11 (8 new and 3 recaptures). I hope the birds will still arrive, but have no idea whether this will influence the breeding result of many species. Normally many birds lay their eggs in the May month, but when they are not there they have to start later. Maybe it is the cold weather or the long period of easterly wind that we have the last few weeks. This probably also influences the number of insects available for food. Some people that catch moths, as I do, complain that there are less than normal.

vangst 22mei2023

 Luckely the moths gave me some more work today, still not many, but some nice ones. In total 29 moths and 18 species. Two were new for me: the Puss Moth (Hermelinskåbe) and the Orange Footman (Guldgul Lavspinder). In addition to those two I have choosen to show an additional moth: the Chinees Character (Silkevinge) a funny moth. If you do not know it is a moth you would think it is a kind of dropping.

moths 22mei2023


 Hermlinskåbe (Puss Moth)


Guldgul Lavspinder (Orange Footman)


Chinese Character (Silkevinge)

Till tomorrow


Same as yesterday but now two nice bird species

søndag 21. maj 2023
Lille Fluesnapper (Red-Breasted Flycatcher) og Rødrygget Tornskade (Red-Backed Shrike)
af Robert Luttik

As yesterday not much wind and clouded sky, good for catching birds. But because there was no real influx of birds overnight, the result was 16 birds (11 new and 5 recaptures). But in the last rounds two surprises. The first one was a Red-Breasted Flycatcher (not so colourfull, because it was not an adult male (see picture), but nevertheless a very good species to ring. And the second was a Red-Backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade). Both species were the first of this year at this location.


 kleine vliegenvanger

We caugth 14 moths this night (10 species, see table). Two species were new the Bright-line Brown-eye (Haveugle, see piture) and the V-Pug (V-Dværgmåler), both rather common species in Demark.

moths 21mei2023


Joakim left today and goes tomorrow to Scotland for work (guiding some people) and looking for Nessie, the monster of Loch Ness. I will stay for 5 days more.

With kind regards and till tomorrow



The same as yesterday

lørdag 20. maj 2023
Very few birds and some interesting moths
af Robert Luttik

Almost no wind and a clouded sky. So good for catching birds. But there were only a few birds in the gardenand even less flew into the nets. We had in total 12 bird (8 new and 4 recaptures). Highlights of the day were two new Icterin Warblers (Gulbug) and a Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper). Of these two species you can find a pictures below.


grauwe vliegenvanger


We caught 8 moths this night and again there was not any moth twice in the trap. 3 of the 8 species were new for the season at the station.

moths 20mei2023

We had a Citronmåler (Brimstone Moth). The entry for Gedser Fugke Station was the first entry for this species in Naturbasen for this year. The second new one was Bøgenonne (Pale Tussock Moth) and the third new one was an Almindige Tigerspinder (White Ermine), a predominately white moth with bsmall white dots. All 3 species are common in Denmark. I think the 3 species also show how divers the kingdom of moths is (3 completely different types of shape).



white ermine

With kind regards Joakim and Robert


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