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And then they arrived, a day with a lot of birds

fredag 26. maj 2023
af Robert Luttik

The day looked the same to me when I woke up and as ussual the nets were open before it was light. To my surprise I had 9 birds in the first round and it were all different species. The day turned out to be excellent, caught 79 birds in total (76 new and 3 recaptures.). Again 2 Red-backed Shrikes (Rødrygget Tornskade), 6 Pied Flycatchers (Broget Fluesnapper) and the most common one was the Willow Warbler (Løvsanger) with atotal of 33.

vangst 26mei2023

One could consider the garden not as a safe place for birds with all those nets around, but it is certainly a safe place for hares. They get used to humans that do not pose a danger and you can get really close to them (see picture).


This night less moths, do not know why, but that is nature. Caught 19 moths (13 species) of which 2 were new for the season here (bold in table). Of one you will find a picture below the table, it is the Lille Vinsværmer (Small Elephant Hawkmoth).

 mot 26mei2023


This is my last blog for the spring, so no more moths probably the next few weeks. I will be back in September for two weeks.

Till autumn
